corps n. (sing., pl.) 1.【军事】军(团)。 2.【军事】特殊兵种的部队[单位];特殊部队。 3.某种工作者的全体,团体。 4.(德国大学的)校友会。 a corps commander 军长,军团司令。 an army corps军团。 the Army Ordnance C- 陆军军械部。 the Army Service C- 辎重部队,陆军兵站部。 the marine corps海军陆战队。 corps area. 军管区。 corps d'armée 〔法语〕军团。 corps de ballet 〔法语〕舞剧团。 corps d'élite 〔法语〕精选出来的骨干[拔尖]人物。 corps diplomatique 〔法语〕外交(使)团 (=diplomatic corps)。 corps dramatique 剧团。 corps troops 军直属部队。 corps volant 游击队。
medical adj. 1.医学的,医术的;医疗的;医师的。 2.医药的。 3.内科的(opp. surgical)。 medical jurisprudence 法医学。 a medical man [practitioner] 医生,开业医生〔包括 physician, surgeon 等〕。 a medical officer 军医,医官。 the medical art 医术。 a medical certificate健康证明书,诊断书。 the medical department 医务部。 medical science 医学。 a medical examination 体格检查。 a medical examiner 法医;验尸员;体检医生。 a medical orderly 看护兵。 free medical care 公费医疗。 medical troops 卫生队。 under medical treatment 在治疗中。 n. 〔口语〕医科学生;医生;体格检查。 adv. -ly 医学上;用医药[医术、医学]。
I was invalidated out and joined the medical corps 后来我加入了一家医药公司
A variety of patches were used in the study , but all were some form of amplatzer occluder ( aga medical corp . , plymouth , mn ) 在研究中使用了多种补片,但所有补片都仿照amplatzer闭合器( aga医疗公司,普利茅斯,明尼苏达州)的形状。
Although he has long been dogged by rumors that he supported the fascist regime of francisco franco , he actually served in the medical corps of the republican army ( which opposed franco during spain ' s civil war ) while he was a medical student 虽然传言不断,说他支持法朗哥的法西斯政权,但实际上他在当医学生时,曾加入共和军的医疗部队,而共和军在西班牙内战时,可是与法朗哥敌对的。
Hear how europe ' s gps are on the march , behind a banner reading " we can no longer allow others to be solely responsible for knowledge that we will apply . " and then if battle fatigue hasn ' t set in , discover how three doctors found the royal army medical corps to be the route to professional contentment 听见欧洲的gp怎么行进,在“我们能不再允许其它为我们将使用的知识完全负责”的旗帜读物后面.然后如果战争疲劳没来临,发现三位医生怎么发现了皇家军队医药军团是到职业满意的线路。
A medical corps is generally a military branch or officer corps responsible for medical care for serving military personnel. Such officers are typically military physicians.